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Bioethics and Human Rights
Studij: Građanskopravni - 9. semestar
Kaznenopravni - 9. semestar
Međunarodnopravni - 9. semestar
Pravo Europske unije - 9. semestar
Trgovačkopravni - 9. semestar
Ustavno-upravni - 9. semestar
Šifra: 79153
ECTS: 4.0
Nositelji: izv. prof. dr. sc. Sunčana Roksandić
prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Turković
Izvođači: izv. prof. dr. sc. Aleksandar Maršavelski - Predavanja
Osnovni podaci
Bioethics and Human Rights Građanskopravni - 9. semestar
Kaznenopravni - 9. semestar
Međunarodnopravni - 9. semestar
Pravo Europske unije - 9. semestar
Trgovačkopravni - 9. semestar
Ustavno-upravni - 9. semestar
4.0 79153
Nositelj Konzultacije Lokacija
izv. prof. dr. sc. Sunčana Roksandić

četvrtkom u 9 sati. Obzirom na izvanredne okolnosti uzrokovane potresom i COVID-19 pandemijom, dostupna e-mailom:

Ćirilometodska 4, soba Ćirilometodska 4, soba 54
prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Turković
Izvođač Konzultacije Lokacija
izv. prof. dr. sc. Aleksandar Maršavelski (Predavanja)

ponedjeljkom u 18:30 sati, Gundulićeva 10, soba 12/I. (najaviti dolazak putem e-maila zbog mogućnosti službenog odsustva)

Gundulićeva 10, soba 12
OBVEZNA: UNESCO Core Curriculum in Bioethics and Human Rights (Volume 1 and 2); UNESCO, str
OBVEZNA: COVID -19 Responses; , str. selected
PREPORUČENA: Amnon Carmi // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička; Informirani pristanak; Unit of UNESCO Chair, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (2009), str. selected chapters
PREPORUČENA: Bernard M. Dickens, Rebecca J. Cook, Eszter Kismodi // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Maršavelski; Reproduktivno zdravlje: Analiza slučajeva s etičkim komentarom; Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2011), str. selected
PREPORUČENA: A. Carmi, D. Moussaoui, J. Arboleda-Florez // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Maršavelski; Predavanja etike u psihijatriji; Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2012), str. selected chapters
PREPORUČENA: Silke Schicktanz, Claudia Wiesemann, Sabine Woehlke // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Maršavelski; Podučavanje etike u presađivanju organa i darivanju tkiva; Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2013), str. selected chapters
Opis predmeta
Predmet se bavi etičkim problemima u biomedicini te, dovodeći ih u vezu s ljudskim pravima, uključuje analizu razvoja moralnih i bioetičkih argumenata u zdravstvstvenom pravu u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Predmet započinje pregledom zdravstvenog sustava te njegovog ustavnog i zakonskog okvira. Naglasak se stavlja na koncepte prava na zdravlje, medicinske etike, prava pacijenata te efikasnosti i sigurnosti zdravstvene skrbi. Posebne teme koje se obrađuju uključuju: širenje zaraznih bolesti, povjerljivost, informirani pristanak, lječničku grešku, oblike odgovornosti, vještačenja, medicinska istraživanja i eksperimente, doniranje i presađivanje organa, hitne situacije, intenzivnu njegu, pobačaj, korištenje lijekova i novih medicinskih tehnologija, regulaciju nanomedicine i biotehnologije, matične stanice, pitanja smrti i umiranja, tretman osoba s duševnim smetnjama itd. U različitim temama koje se obrađuju, glavni zadatak ovog predmeta jest naučiti primijeniti bioetičke teorije na slučajeve iz prakse i kritički analizirati uloge međunarodnih organizacija, države, poslovnih subjekata i pojedinaca u pristupu pravu na zdravlje. Poseban naglasak je dan i analizi globalnih odgovora na pandemiju COVID-19.
Ispitni rokovi
In the class all topics will be asigned and the schedual will be made. Please those students that did not assign the topic take into consideration that these topics are already reserved:  The experiments on human beings after Nurmeberg trials; Is it ethical to use scientific and medical data from war crimes to better our society; Organ Transplantation ; Euthanasia; Surrogate Motherhood; Cloning; Predicting Criminality 
Please send an email with the essay on 2-3 pages which answers the following questions:   What would be the best way for you to insure that you would remain accountable and responsible year after year within the profession you wish to enter? Imagine yourself working within the profession of your choosing three years from now. Where will you draw the line regarding what you will not do to make money or achieve fame? What will you not do no matter how much profit you could make or how much recognition you could receive? Can you think of behaviour you would like to exhibit to be a role model for others? Are there shades of grey where you are not sure how you should act or make decisions? If so, what would be the best way for you to determine how to be ethical in difficult situations when you must make vexing choices?   Please send an essay on email:
Please prepare for presentations as agreed in the class. By the end of this week, the full schedule will be announced here. This week there is no class. The same applies for next week due to the regular exams.    The presentations and discussion will take place in this calendar year on the following dates: November 22, November 29, December 6, 13 and 20.  Please prepare all for the next class by reading Beauchamp&Childress bioethical theories - available in the library, also copied as special syllabus.   Transgender issues in bioethics (1) - November 29 Health&Solidarity (2) -  November 29 Bioethical theories (3) - November 22 Artifical Intelligence & Temporary challenges (2) - December 13  Errors & Responsibilites (2) - December 6 Euthanasia & Abortion (2) December 20 Organ donation & Trafficing (2)  - December 6        
Bioethics and human rights: Thursdays, Ćirilometodska 4, Room 5, 11:00 - 12:30 Introductory class: October 11th, Thurdsay: 11 am,  Ćirilometodska 4, Room 7.
LECTURERS: Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Mašavelski Consultations: Thursdays 10 a.m. CM 4, room 54   VENUE: Classroom VII, CM 4 TIME: Thursdays, 11 a.m. - 12:30  p.m.  This course is thought as part of activity of the Croatian Unit of UNESCO Chair in bioethics.   Main literature will be based on the program of the Bioethics Core Curriculum developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Sector for Social and Human Sciences, Division of ethics of Science and Technology (available in Repozitorij here)    Syllabus will follow topics in the UNESCO Core curriculum and futher in details main topics of today's bioethical issues will be discussed as: Informed consent, Euthanasia and Abortion, Stem cells research and patents/medical experiments ( e.g. GlaxoSmithKlein and Merck in India), Transplantation of organs /trafficking/Specialist Chamber and prosector's Office in Kosovo, Medical errors and responisibilites, Sex change, HIV testing-mandatory and/or voluntary, The right to health and solidarity, artifficial intelligence and contemporary challenges   Examination: activity in the class and presentaion of the topic of own choosing. Before each class readings will be assigned to allow active participation.    More info: please contact:  
Please read the cases in the UNESCO Manual on the Informed Consent;
1. Gregory E. Pence, Classical cases in medical ethics (Accounts of cases that have shaped medical ethics with philosophical, legal aand historical backgrounds), fourt edition;  2. Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Seventh Edition; 3. J.K.M. Gevers, E.H. Hondius, J.H. Hubben, Health Law, Human Rights and the Biomedicine Convention, Essays in Hounour of Henriette Roscam Abbibng, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005. 4. Barry R. Schaller, Understanding Bioethics and the Law, The promises and perils of the Brave New World of Biotechnology, Praeger, 2008.   
Please also take into account the following topics:   From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book for Journalists, Policymakers, and Campaigns  contains 36 overviews of issues in bioethics of high public interest, such as  abortion ,  health care reform ,  human and  sports enhancement , organ transplantation ,  personalized medicine ,  medical error , and  stem cells . The chapters, written by leading ethicists, are nonpartisan, presenting reasonable considerations from various perspectives that are grounded in good scientific and ethical facts. They each include recent news stories, clickableexperts to contact, linked resources,and (where available) recent legislationand campaign positions.Greater detail on how to use the book is in the introduction. The three framing essays offer valuable insights into the historical and increasing relevance of bioethics to public policy.    
Table of Contents:  Bioethics Matters: Introduction and Acknowledgments ;  Why a Bioethics Briefing Book?;  Bioethics and Policy—A History;   Why Bioethics Matters Today—A Journalist's Perspective ;  Abortion ;  Assisted Reproduction ;  Biobanks: DNA and Research ;  Brain Injury: The Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States ; cli nical Trials ;  Cloning ;  Conflict of Interest in Biomedical Research ;  Conscience Clauses, Health Care Providers, and Parents ;  Disaster Planning and Public Health ;  DNA and Law Enforcement ;  End of Life Care ;  Enhancing Humans ;  Environment and Health ;  Family Caregiving ;  Gene Patents ;  Genetic Testing and Screening ;  Health Care Costs and Medical Technology ;  Health Care Reform ;  Influenza Pandemic ;  Intellectual Property and Biomedicine ;  Medical Error ;  Mental Health in Children and Adolescents ;  Multinational Research ;  Nanotechnology ;  Nature, Human Nature, and Biotechnology ;  Neonatal Care ;  Newborn Screening ;  Organ Transplantation ;  Personalized Medicine and Geno mics;  Physician Assisted Death ;  Public Health ; Q uality Improvement Methods in Health Care;  Sports Enhancement ;  Stem Cells ;  Synthetic Biology ;  Torture: The Bioethics Perspective
the document drafted by prof.dr. Irina Pollard, head of the Austrian Unit of UNESCO Chair units on reproductive rights. Module 1: Introduction to Bioscience Ethics & Reproduction L1.1: Bioscience Ethics & Reproduction The role of ethics in science and technology are explored using practical applications of reproductive functions in medicine : L1.2: Human Origins, Natural Selection & Evolution of Ethics Traces the evolution of ethical consciousness and relates how ethics impacts on modern science and its applications. Module 2: Human Reproduction and Development L2.1: Fertilization and the Initiation of Development Provides an overview of human reproduction taking particular note of lifestyles, fertility and the ethics of preconceptional care. L2.2: Development and Placentation: Maternal-Fetal Communication Traces the evolution of bonding, the establishment of pregnancy, placentation and epigenetic gene regulation heritable down the generations. L2.3: Patterns of Human Growth Traces life cycle as defined by biological characteristics such as critical periods during development and factors contributing to intrauterine growth restriction and preterm births. L2.4: Sex Determination, Brain Sex & Postnatal Personality Development Traces the foundation of adult sexuality in fetal life and explores the genetics of regular and ‘hidden genders’. L2.5: Assisted Reproduction: At the Intersection of Ethics and Social Determination Experience a realistic simulation of routine medical assisted treatments available to couples seeking fertility assistance at an IVF clinic. Module 3: Gender, Sexuality and Social Aspects L3.1: GL1: Transgendered: A Personal Perspective – Katherine Cummings Introduces the evolution and wide-ranging bases of the transgendered as lived by an XY woman. L3.2: GL2: Gender Diversity – Gina Wilson and Katherine Cummings Traces current political activism supporting Intersex Rights and acceptance of sexual dive L3.3: Human Sexuality: Behaviour & Pheromones Describes the chemistry of attachment, desire, kinship laws and incest. L3.4: Sociobiology Describes the biological basis of social behaviour and fitness enhancing strategies such as sexual triggers and body image. Module 4: Considerations of Effective and Ethical Reproduction L4.1: Principles of Toxicology & Teratology Establishes a better understanding of the science of toxicology with special reference to human reproduction. L4.2: Substance Abuse & Parenthood Describes the physiochemical characteristics of drugs, the neuroendocrinology of addiction and socio-political responsibilities. L4.3: Fertility Awareness & the Aging Gamete Causes of human congenital anomalies at birth are investigated from the biological, behavioural and bioethical perspectives. L4.4: Parental Behaviour & the Neonate Early developmental patterns and physiological adaptation to extrauterine life are discussed. L4.5 Stress and Adaption: Neuroscience & Neuroethics The biology of stress from the perspectives of sickness and health, happiness and depression, advances in neuroscience and neuroethics are examined.                                         
Please see article in english (also availabe in spanish on the page of Jahr Journal):
Please see (Croatian students in particular):
Please see the case law of the ECHR on the following link:
For binding conventions (Oviedo Convention) and protocols and for proposed conventions please see
See: Factsheet of ECtHR: Reporductive rights: See: Bioethics and case law (in general): See: End of life and ECtHR: See: DG for external policies (EU): Trafficking in human organs: See: DG for Internal Policy (EU): European Civil Law Rules in Robotics: SEe for compulsory vacctination pendigig cases of ECtHR and relevant other case law: Factsshet of ECtHr: The right to health:    
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) (World Bioethics Day 2017) October 19, 2017 Program of the Croatian Unit ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights)         The fundamental equality of all human beings in dignity and rights is to be respected so that they are treated justly and equitably. Place: University of Zagreb (Croatia), Grand Council Hall (Velika vijećnica), Trg RH 14, Zagreb Time: 12:30-17:15 h Name of the Institute: University of Zagreb Name of the Unit: Croatian Unit UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Name of the Unit Head: Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička Year of Establishment of Unit: 2009 Program Details: October 19 th , 2017. Language of the Venue: Croatian   Part 1. Welcome address  (12:30-12:40) : Ante Čović ,  vice-rector,  Head of the Centre of Excellence in integrative bioethics, University of Zagreb Vice-dean, izv. Tereza Rogić Lugarić , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Opening speech  (12:40-13:00) : Dignity in healthcare – access to healthcare Sunčana Roksandić Vidličk a, Head of the Croatian Unit of the                      UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb prof. dr. sc. Selma Šogorić, Medical School, University of Zagreb , member of the of the Croatian Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Contemporary topics in Croatian medical law and bioethics:  ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights)  (13:00-13:45) Vanja Vučićević Boras,  School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb Access to health care in Croatia: practical examples   Renata Pražetina Kaleb, judge, Municipal Criminal Court Challenges in adjudication concerning medical malpractice and respecting the dignity of victims Barbara Preložnjak , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Equality and right to heath care   Local representative of UNESCO Chair (13:45-14:00): Iris Golder Lang , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Access to healthcare in EU: Protection of dignity and equality:  Equality, Justice and Equity   Students Essay Writing Competition:  ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) (14:00-14:15)   Break: 15 min (14:15-14:30) (drinks & refreshments)   Part 2.   Guest lecture by eminent experts  (14:30-14:45): Ksenija Turković , judge, European Court of Human Rights :‘Equality, Justice and Equity:’ Access to healthcare (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) and European Convention on Human Rights   Part 3   Debate Competition:  ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights): Access to healthcare  (14:45-15:30) Introduction: Representative of the ministry of health, Croatian Medical Chamber, and University Hospital in Zagreb Participants: Students   (Medical School, Dental medicine, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law) Name and title of the participants: to be announced          Commentators: Ana Borovečki , Medical School, University of Zagreb , Vanja Vučićević Boras,  School of Dental Medicine , Hrvoje Jurić , Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Aleksandar Maršavelski , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb   Coffee break (15:30-15:45)   Part 4. Award for active member Upon decision of the UNESCO Chair Unit members, announced on October 19 th   (15:45-16:00)   Part 5. Activities in Croatian bioethics: importance of bioethics in legal studies: (16:00-17:15) Lecture –Future topics (16:50 – 17:05): Tamara Čapeta,  Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb:  Artificial Intelligence – Ethical and Legal Issues, prof.dr. sc. Darko Polšek ,   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb:  Personalized medicine and behavioral economics Panel discussion – moderator – Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička Participants: Drago Polšek, Iva Sorta-Bilajac Turina, Jozo Čizmić, Aleksandar Maršavelski, Hrvoje Jurić    
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) World Bioethics Day 2016 October 19, 2016 Program of the Croatian Unit   Place: Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Law, Council Hall, Trg maršala Tita 14, Zagreb Time: 12:30-16:30 h Name of the Institute: Law Faculty, University of Zagreb Name of the Unit: Croatian Unit UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Name of the Unit Head: Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička Year of Establishment of Unit: 2009 Program Details: October 19th, 2016. Language of the Venue: Croatian. One lecture in English Part 1. Welcome address  (12:30-12:35) : Jasneko Marin , Vice-dean, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Opening speech  (12:35-12:50) : Sunčana Roksandić Vidličk a, Head of the Croatian Unit of the  UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Ana Borovečki, Medical School, University of Zagreb , member of the of the Croatian Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Contemporary topics in Croatian medical law and bioethics: (12:50-13:20) Ante Čović , Head of the Centre of Excellence in integrative bioethics, vice-rector, University of Zagreb, Integrative bioethics - Contemporary Challenges Jozo Čizmić , Faculty of Law, University of Split Development of medical law in Croatia Velinka Grozdanić , Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Bioethics and People with Mental Disabilites Local representative of UNESCO Chair (13:20-13:35):       Iris Golder Lang , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Bioethics and European Law   Award for active member  (13:35-13:40) : Name: Upon decision of the UNESCO Chair Unit members, announced on October 19th 2016. Part 2.   Guest lecture by eminent expert  (13:40-14:00): Ksenija Turković , judge, European Court of Human Rights Bioethics, Human dignity and ECHR Part 3. Book promotion: Hrestomatija hrvatskoga medicinskog prava (14:00-14:25): Ksenija Turković, Nikoleta Radionov, Darko Polšek, Vlado Jukić   Break: 15 min (14:25-14:40) (drinks & refreshemnts)   Part 4.   Debate Competition:   Human Dignity and Human Rights: The rights of unborn child (14:40-16:00) Introduction: Vladimir Blagaić , Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical School University of Zageb, KB Sveti duh, Zagreb   Participants: Students   (Medical School, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law) Name and title of the participants:  Mislav Mikac, Jadrana Marelja, Maša Mazalin, Valentina Cikojević,   Roni Rengel  (Grupa I A, Dobrobit nerođenog djeteta važnija je od prava majke);  Janko Havaš, Domagoj Dananić ,  Lidija Knorr, Lena Kuzmanović, Maja Vejić  (Grupa I B, Prava majke važnija su od doborobiti djeteta);  Marin Golubović, Boren Petrinec, David Jakovljević,   Luka Janeš, Luka Poslon   (Grupa II A: Liječnik smije za vrijeme poroda staviti prava nerođenog djeteta ispred prava majke);  Petra Lištica, Stjepan Šikoronja, Ana Juzepović,   Luka Perušić, David Martić  (Grupa II B: Liječnik ne smije za vrijeme poroda staviti prava nerođenog djeteta ispred prava majke)          Commentators: Ana Borovečki , Medical School, University of Zagreb , Hrvoje Jurić , Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Aleksandra Korać Graovac , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Aleksandar Maršavelski , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Part 5.   Students Essay Writing Competition:   Bioethics, Human Dignity and Human Rights (16:00-16:15)  Award for the best student papers:  (Medical School, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law) Presentation of the Poster applied for student competition of the Units  (Boren Petrinec, Stjepan Šikoronja)    Part 6. Future projects (16:15-16:25): Svetlana Paramonova , senior scientific researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, NEWFELPRO Project Bioethics and criminal law:  The Role of ECtHR in setting standards for the protection of human rights Catering&Drinks
Po prvi puta proslavlja se  World Bioethic Day, UNESCO Chair in Bioethis (Haifa) dana 19. listopada 2016. godine  na Pravnom fakutetu u Zagrebu. Posebna tema hrvatskog UNESCO Chair Unit-a je  Human Dignity and Human Rights: The rights of unborn child. Tijekom obilježavanja dana bioetike, osim predavanja pozvanih govornika   ( Ante Čović, prorektor, Dubravka Hrabar, dekanica, Jozo Čizmić (Pravni fakultet u Splitu), Velinka Grozdanić (Pravni fakultet u Rijeci), Ksenija Turković, sutkinja Europskog suda za ljudska prava,  članovi Upravnog odbora UNESCO Chair ( Iris Goldner Lang, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Hrvoje Jurić (Filizofski fakultet u zagrebu), Ana Borovečki (Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu)),  održati će se i  promocija knjige Hrestomatija hrvatskog medicinskog prava  (izdavač: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu) te će se  dodijeliti posebna nagrada za razvoj bioetike u Republici Hrvatskoj.   Tijekom obilježavanja Dana bioetike održat će se i  studentska debata  ( studenti Pravnog, medicinskog i Filozofskog fakulteta)  te rasprava penalista o pravima nerođenog djeteta. Podijelit će se i  nagrada za najbolji studentski rad iz područja bioetika: zaštita dostojanstva.   Nastavno,  pozivaju se studenti  za učestvovanje u ovom natječaju prijavom rada do najkasnije 2.10.2016. godine u opsegu od 5-10 str na hrvatskom jeziku. Molimo radove poslati na e-mail:     Obilježavanje dana bioetike odvijat će se na hrvaskom jeziku. Sve UNESCO jedinice imat će istu strukturu obilježvanja, uz uvažavanje posebnosti svake UNESCO jedinice.  
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